So Team ClockNine just got back from DSE 2015 in Las Vegas. We had a BLAST! Met a ton of great people, learned LOADS about new technologies and even had time to do a little bit of golfing (well…putting :c) If you’re interested in getting a quick snapshot of our trip definitely check out our Instagram page. We posted lots of gadgets and goodies for you to look at!
One of the highlights of our trip was becoming DSF members. When landing in Vegas, we had no intentions of becoming members however there was a long putt competition. One of our employees…cough Travis Kragh…cough, cough who doesn’t golf at all…sunk three putts in a row to win ClockNine a DSF membership.
While many tested their skill at this game there was a limited number who became DSF members this weekend. Most would assume a skilled golfer…cough like Graham Waite…cough, cough who golfs practically everyday…would have been our team’s hero but he only made two putts (which just doesn’t cut it if you’re looking to be a DSF member).
Call it luck if want but we are officially DSF members! Stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted on some of the perks of being a member. If you are interested in signing up or learning more, check out their website Digital Signage Federation
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